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HGC has completed the first phase of renovations to Madeira High School. The two-phase project will result in a fully renovated Commons Building, which according to the school’s press release has been in the works since a 2014 Planning Commission.

Another HGC’s performing arts space recently received an Award of Excellence.

Demolition began in late May, taking advantage of the summer months to get a large portion of completed. The team renovated several of the school’s existing spaces:

  • kitchen and dining facilities
  • art room
  • band room
  • associated offices
  • Life Skills room
  • Special Education room
  • theater storage

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Renovation of existing and nearby corridors was also completed, as well the entrance to the school’s theater. The crew also completed core and shell for two new additions, which will create the school’s new multi-purpose classroom and band storage room.

Phase one was approx. $3M of the project’s $4.8M total estimate, and was completed in 3.5 months. Phase II of this overall project will be a renovation to the theater and is expected to complete by 2021.


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