Matt Hess, Director of Human Resources for HGC Group of Companies, was recently named “A Champion of Human Capital” by LEAD Cincinnati. He is one of eight individuals to receive the honor. As stated in the recent spotlight on Matt Hess in LEAD Cincinnati, “Matt Hess’s basic principle for championing employees is simple. Hire the right people, and provide them with the right environment and tools to be awesome,” he says. “It’s a matter of trusting people and believing they want to be great and then letting them be great.” Previously, Matt worked as a human resources director in the healthcare industry and has stated he stepped right into a fantastic, relationship-driven culture when he began his career with HGC. Beyond just Human Resources, Hess has taken a vested interest in giving both the “Baby Boomers” and “Millennials’ alike an equal chance at becoming leaders at HGC. Read the full spotlight on Matt Hess, as featured in LEAD Cincinnati, by clicking here.